Your skin can tell you a lot. It’s our largest organ, with the tough task of being our outer layer of defense. And it takes a beating — it’s one of the last things to receive nutrients. It’s rubbed on, scratched, bruised, and in constant contact with environmental toxins. And that’s not including what we put on our skin ourselves! So when we have skin irritations, or dull, dry skin, we know our body is telling us something.
So how do we get clear skin naturally? Even if you’re doing your best to balance proper sleep, exercise, and drinking water, it can be tough to keep the skin glowing.
These tips will help you make minor changes for a big impact on your skin! Keep in mind, the skin cycles through every 30 days, so give these tips time to work and for your skin to rejuvenate.
How to Get Clear Skin Naturally: 8 Tips for Healthy Skin
Detox the Skin of Toxins, Free Radicals, and Pollution
While our skin is a defensive layer against toxins, it still absorbs quite a bit. Studies estimate between 60 – 70{90e65f354de6808c13e7e1c3890ce95892ac770a5fce01e3ef4cb36b4689035f} of what it’s exposed to is absorbed. Everything from nano-particles in skin care products and laundry detergents, to our diet, and the pollution in the air can affect our skin. Some of these factors cause free radicals to damage cells in our body through oxidation.
You can reduce these effects by eating a clean diet, using an air purifier in your home, and using strong herbs for cleansing the body. Herbs like milk thistle are great for detoxing.
Ditch Chemical-Laden, Harsh Skin Care Products
Since our skin does absorb so much, we need to be mindful of what we’re putting on it when it comes to skin care. Many people find that just by switching to natural, organic products, their skin clears up. That’s because they’ve removed chemical irritants that were inflaming the skin!
So try switching to organic skin care products, like our organic clay masks and skin-healing salve.
Eat More Leafy Greens and Fish
Leafy greens are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants necessary to cleanse and heal the skin. They fight off free radicals from sun damage and prevent wrinkles. And fish is packed with omega fatty acids needed for maintaining healthy skin. Omega fatty acids can reduce rosacea and acne inflammation. Both green veggies and fish have zinc, which you need for new skin cell production.
Try adding a leafy green as a side to each meal, enjoying a green smoothie, and eating wild-caught fish once or twice a week.
Drink More Matcha Green Tea
Green tea is one of the most powerful antioxidants out there, especially matcha. Matcha is the ground tea leaf, so when you drink it, you absorb the entire leaf’s properties. Matcha has tons of EGCG, which is a powerful cancer-fighting antioxidant. Paired with vitamin A (like from carrots), they help repair damage done to the skin and keep it glowing.
Try our ceremonial grade matcha green tea in the morning for a potent punch of antioxidants and a caffeine kick.
Add Collagen to Your Diet
Collagen is an amino acid that helps maintain healthy skin and elasticity. That means the skin stays strong and flexible, preventing wrinkles and aging. Anti-aging skin care products often include collagen, but not from the best sources. You can actually add collagen to your diet for the best boost.
Collagen comes in powder form, and a scoop of powder can be added to your hot cup of matcha or coffee in the mornings.
Work on Your Gut Health
Gut health is crucial for your body to function. If you’re having problems with acne, eczema, or other skin irritations, look to your gut. If your digestive system isn’t able to absorb nutrients properly, or something your eating is causing inflammation, it can impact your skin.
You might even want to consider checking for allergies or auto-immune diseases with your doctor. That could be a cause for digestive problems and skin irritations.
To help your gut health, try adding more probiotics and herbs for digestive health to your diet, like calendula flowers.
Go Green Around Your Home
Since environmental factors play a prominent role in skin health, try greenifying your home! It’s better for both you and the environment. Switch to fragrance-free, toxin-free laundry detergent. Use natural cleaners, like vinegar and baking soda. Use an air purifier in your home and switch your HVAC air filter often. There are many ways to reduce toxins and be more green around your home, and they impact your health and skin as well as the environment.
Stay Hydrated
Our bodies are about 60{90e65f354de6808c13e7e1c3890ce95892ac770a5fce01e3ef4cb36b4689035f} water, and the skin is no exception. When your dehydrated, your skin is prone to look dull and flaky. Fine lines become more prominent, and continuous dehydration can cause more wrinkles. Not only that, but water is a natural detoxifier. It helps flush toxins and inflammatory substances from the body.
Aim to drink at least 8 cups of water every day to keep the skin hydrated!
Naturally Clear Skin
You don’t need 500 skin care products to work towards clear skin. These tips will help improve your skin, naturally. Find which one helps your skin, and then work to improve it and reduce inflammation. Just remember, it takes about 30 days for the skin to cycle through!