Herbal Detox Teas for Weight Loss and Health


Looking for ways to cleanse your body of toxins and fat? Herbal detox teas can get the job done!

Doing a periodic detox and cleanse is great for the body. The liver has a tough job of purifying the body of toxins and waste, and processing fats to turn them into energy. When the liver is having issues and worn out, a detox can help aid the liver and boost its regenerative abilities to heal.

A detox and cleanse can also help purge any unwanted gunk in the digestive system and encourage weight loss and better health.

There are a lot of herbal detox teas to help the body along. Here are the best 7 to cleanse the body and liver.


Note: Always consult your doctor when trying new herbs and dietary changes.


7 Best Herbal Detox Teas for Weight Loss and Health

1. Rooibos Tea for Detox

Red rooibos tea is so powerful in antioxidants, it’s one of the best teas for reducing inflammation and detoxing. It helps destroy fat stored in the body and boosts the metabolism by reducing the hormones that trigger stress and fat storage. Plus, it boosts circulation and balances blood sugar, making it optimal for weight loss. It’s also one of the most universally appealing teas for its mild taste and soft sweet hints of vanilla and honey.

Drink this detox tea daily for a dose of incredible antioxidants.


2. Purify Tea for Healthy Balance

Our handcrafted, organic PURIFY tea supports a healthy balance in the body. It’s a blend of some of the best detoxifying herbs: burdock root, dandelion, nettle, lemongrass, and more. Burdock and dandelion root are two common herbs to detox the liver and purify the blood. When blended with herbs rich in vitamin K and C, like nettle, it helps boost the liver’s ability to shed body fat and regenerate.

Drink daily for purification and liver-healing benefits!


3. Milk Thistle for Liver Detoxifying

One of the most renowned liver detoxifiers, milk thistle helps prevent oxidative stress. It protects the liver, helps purify the blood and digestive system, and is known to help the liver heal and regenerate. If you’ve taken harsh medicines, NSAIDs, or drink alcohol, milk thistle can help flush those toxins from the body and heal their damaging effects on the liver.

Drink this liver cleanse tea 1 – 2 times daily.


4. Angelica Root for Digestive Enzymes

The most common use for angelica root is to detoxify the liver and balance the digestive tract. It helps promote healthy digestive enzymes in the stomach and intestines. Plus, it can relieve cramps or indigestion and purifying any toxins.

This is a strong cleansing herbal tea, so take it for a week or so, and then give your body a break. Also, it shouldn’t be used if pregnant.


5. Sage Leaf for Shedding Fat

Sage leaf is incredibly rich in Vitamin K, which helps the liver function at its best. Vitamin K specifically helps the liver with fat-processing, so it’s a fantastic herb for detoxing and weight loss. Besides that, it’s anti-inflammatory properties help boost skin and bone health, as well as brain function.

Steep it as a tea, and mix with a bit of local honey. Or try blending it with barley grass and beet root powder for an intense, daily detoxifier.


6. Barley Grass for Weight Loss

Barley grass is excellent for gut health and digestion. It promotes healthy bacteria and enzymes in your stomach, so it can process nutrients and turn fat into energy. It’s high in chlorophyll, which helps release oxygen and remove strong toxins like heavy metals. It’s known to aid energy and weight loss.

You can steep this as a detox tea on its own, or blend with beet root and sage leaf for maximum effects. It can also be added to smoothies!


7. Yellow Dock Root

High in phytonutrients, yellow dock root is a well-known blood purifier. It helps fight free radicals in the body, and improve liver health. It cleanses the entire body of toxins, including the skin. Yellow dock root purifies the skin of environmental toxins that can cause aging and skin irritations like psoriasis and acne.

Steep it as a tea for several days when you notice your skin is becoming dull or irritated, to help flush toxins out.


Cleansing Teas for Greatest Health

Herbal detox teas are effective, powerful remedies for liver health and weight loss. Their high nutritional value boosts energy and helps you feel like your best self.

Whenever you feel sluggish or weighed down, try these detoxifying teas!

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