Components: Gunpowder tea originates from China, where the tea leaves are withered, steamed and then rolled into round pellets that resemble grains of gunpowder which are then dried and packaged. The rolling process helps keep the tea leaves intact so they retain their earthy flavor, giving them a long shelf life and high caffeine content.
Overview: Gunpowder green tea, like most other green teas, helps soothe inflammation and contains high levels of antioxidants to fight free radicals and lower oxidative stress. It also has catechins and alkaloids that help regulate blood sugar levels, making this tea great for those with diabetes or at risk of getting diabetes. It also helps balance cholesterol levels, giving the body a healthy cardiovascular system. Gunpowder green tea’s caffeine, catechins, and theanine content make it great for suppressing appetites and boosting metabolism when trying to lose weight.
Uses: For the perfect cup of gunpowder green tea: put two teaspoons of tea pellets in cup; heat fresh filtered water to 165˚F and pour 8 oz over tea; steep for 2 minutes; strain tea leaves (or leave in the water for a stronger cup); enjoy!
Origin: China